Sunday, 4 August 2013

Weekend Activities

Mustafa's fab GoAnimate production: trial by mustafablc

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!

Can you guess what Mustafa did this weekend?  Make some guesses, or ask him questions to find out more information.

Thanks, Mustafa!

Here's another fab GoAnimate creation from Mustafa using some weekend expressions.

idioms by mustafablc on GoAnimate

Word cloud created by Mustafa Balci

Can you guess what Stefan got up to?  What are these images about???  Ask him questions to find out more.  Thanks, Stefan!

Images by Stefan Lapniewski

Can you guess what Janet did over the weekend?

As seen in the examples above, you can get your students to talk about an image from their weekend.
They can also create a Word cloud of their weekend activities and then send you a link, or a jpeg image for you to add to your blog or wiki.  Open class you can quickly make guesses of what the students got up to.

Alternatively, you can get your students to say one thing about their weekend and you add the words to a word cloud tool in class.  Click create and then in groups get students to remember why the words were added to the group cloud.  Please see the example from this morning's lesson.

Can you remember who said what about their weekend??

Instead of the whole class doing their own word cloud in the first example above (which could be time-consuming), maybe do a rota system, so that every Monday morning you can focus on a few students at a time, over the period of the term?  That way, everybody gets a chance to have their image up on the screen and be the focus of attention.....

Comic created by Janet 

 Fodey Newspaper Snippet

You can ask your students to create a newspaper article about their weekend by using as in the example above we created in class.


Use Quizlet to test yourself on Weekend Phrases!

Did you do the folllowing over the weekend?

Can you match some of the phrases below?

Are the following phrases TRUE or FALSE for the class?

  1. Janet watched the BOX over the weekend.
  2. Aga PICKED UP some slang expressions such as 'bloke', 'bits & bobs' and 'broke'.
  3. Alicja didn't GET THROUGH a shedload of DOSH.
  4. Anush SPENT A BOMB at the weekend. She got through a GRAND!!
  5. Edu GOT LEGLESS last night at the LOCAL.
  6. Betty RAN INTO some friends in town yesterday. 
  7. Emel put off DROPING her MATES A LINE.
  8. Juliana POPPED IN to see a class MATE last night.  
  9. Kasia BURNED THE MIDNIGHT OIL last night.  She studied phrasal verbs & idioms all night long!!
  10. Stefan was AT A LOOSE END last night.  He was really bored.
  11. Magda had a nice LIE-IN on Sunday morning.
  12. Mustafa PICKED UP quite a few new expressions.
  13. Midori bought some BITS & BOBS in London.
  14. Pilar HIT THE TOWN on Saturday.  She went pubbing & clubbing with her MATES.
  15. Khalil CHILLED OUT on Saturday.
 ToonDoo Questions:

    You can make your own cartoon weekend questions to ask your students at ToonDoo.
    If you want to keep them all in one place, you can easily register for free. 

    I recently reviewed some weekend expressions using my Smartphone to record questions to ask my students. I then uploaded the audio file from my phone to Vocaroo, and then embedded the Vocaroo embed code to my blog. Students had to reply open class / in pairs as soon as they heard the question.  Please note, your Vocaroo audios get deleted from the system after a period of time, so use the audio while you can!

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