Sunday, 28 July 2013

Let's Get Down to Phrasal Verbs!

Can you guess which statements are correct about Janet?


Reviewing Phrasals with GoAnimate!

Getting Down to Phrasals

 Reviewing Phrasals with Comics

Get your students to create comics using phrasal verbs you have taught them. is the easiest comic tool to use.  You simply create your comic and then save it to your computer by right clicking on it, or you can send a link via email.
Below some examples created by myself and students in the past!
Can you guess which ones I created and which ones were created by former students and teachers?

To learn how to create a comic like these, you can read this blog post by Ana Maria Menezes from Life Feast blog.

Here's one Anush, Magda, Stefan & Emel created in class today!!

Here's a phrasal verb dialogue that Kasia, Alicja, Mustafa & Pilar created.  The dialogue was then converted to a series of comics and they were simply uploaded to Photopeach, a slideshow making tool. 

A Joke on PhotoPeach

Finally, Midori, Edu, Aga & Betty created this phrasal verb dialogue which was then turned into a comic with Cambridge Online Superhero Cartoon Maker..

Slideshare Presentation - 1: Fun with Phrasal Verbs!

Slideshare Presentation - 2: Fun with Phrasal Verbs

Photopeach Slideshow

You could also use Photopeach, to create a phrasal verb quiz as seen below:

Test your Phrasals! on PhotoPeach

Quizlet Flashcards

Read all about Quizlet in this blog post from Sandy Millin's Independent English blog.

Create your own flashcard sets with Quizlet!

Janet runs into her students!
Whilst cycling home one day, I ran into the following group of teachers.  Thanks very much to Mustafa for sending this lovely photo to me today. The group had just been to visit the famous Shark in Headington....

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